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Process security management addresses threats against plants from terrorist and criminal acts that may deliberately cause harm such as shutting down processes or the diversion or release of hazardous materials. Facilities must ensure they are secure from such attacks.

Why Address Process Security Management?

The risk of attacks against process plants is real. They represent attractive targets for terrorists and criminals. The consequences of attacks can be catastrophic in human, environmental and financial terms and the risk must be managed.

In the United States the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) that impose comprehensive security regulations for any facility that manufactures, uses, stores, or distributes certain chemicals at or above a specified quantity. The regulations use risk-based performance standards that provide individual facilities with the flexibility to address their unique security situations. The security measures needed to satisfy the risk-based performance standards for each covered facility correspond to the security risks presented by the facility. Facilities that present a higher risk are required to meet more rigorous risk-based performance standards.

The regulations require covered chemical facilities to prepare Security Vulnerability Assessments (SVAs), which identify facility security vulnerabilities, and to develop and implement Site Security Plans (SSPs), which include measures that satisfy the risk-based performance standards.

Why Primatech?

Primatech has developed a comprehensive process security management program that addresses protection from physical and cyber attacks. Primatech has developed approaches for threat and vulnerability analysis and guidelines for the use of inherent security measures. We have formulated model process security programs for various threat levels that can be used as reference points for developing new programs or improving existing ones. These approaches have been published in periodicals and presented at conferences.

Services Offered

  • Development of Process Security Management programs.

    We develop a program to help reduce the likelihood and severity of terrorist and criminal acts and integrate it with your existing programs. We provide you with documentation of the program.

  • Performance of Security Vulnerability Assessments (SVAs).

    We facilitate SVAs for you facility and document the results in a report.

  • Reviews and audits of facilities to assess the current state of protection against threats of terrorism and criminal acts.

    We examine your facility to determine where security weaknesses exist and where improvements may be needed. We provide you with a report on the results of the assessment.

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