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In-House Training Information

Many companies choose to bring Primatech training on-site to their facilities. Primatech offers face-to-face and live-streamed courses, technical briefings, and management briefings.

Primatech can deliver in-house any of our publicly available training courses. Client-specific courses and tailored management briefings can be taught in-house too.

Primary Benefits of In-House Training

  • Eliminate travel expenses for attendees and minimize their time away from work and home.

  • Course durations, class times, and delivery dates can be scheduled to meet your needs.

  • Face-to-face and live-streamed training can be taught on a worldwide basis.

  • Course content can be customized to meet your specific requirements.

  • Team training allows for participants to learn the same methods, improves teamwork and communication skills, and provides opportunities for class discussions and questions specific to your company.

In-house courses avoid the need to incur travel expenses for attendees and minimize their time away from work. Course durations typically range from one day to one week but can be tailored for in-house deliveries. Courses can be taught on a worldwide basis. Times and dates can be scheduled to meet your needs.

Customization of In-House Training

In-house training can be customized to include examples, exercises, and workshops specific to your company. In addition, topics can be added to or deleted from the course curriculum to accommodate your individual preferences and training needs. Materials specific to your organization's procedures and requirements may be included and, at your option, your own presenters may deliver them.

Format and Materials

Primatech training uses a combination of presentation materials, class exercises, and workshops. Questions and class discussions are always encouraged.

Face-to-face courses range from 1 to 5 full days. Attendees receive a detailed printed course manual. Checklists, job aids, and resource materials are also provided, as appropriate.

Live-streamed courses are taught over half-days, allowing participants to attend to other matters during the other half of the day.  Live-streamed attendees receive a PDF course manual and workshop materials.

Live-streamed technical briefings range from 1.5 to 4 hours, although shorter or longer deliveries can also be provided. Live-streamed attendees receive a PDF course manual and workshop materials.

Management briefings are offered for live-streamed or face-to-face in-house delivery. Typically, briefings are of 2 - 4 hours duration. Shorter or longer briefings can also be provided. Participants receive a detailed printed course manual or a PDF course manual depending on the delivery method.

Examples of Popular In-House Courses:

Browse our courses, technical briefings, and management briefings pages to find the training options that best meets your needs. A detailed course manual is provided. Checklists, job aids, regulatory standards and resource materials are provided, as appropriate.

Click here to learn why you should choose training courses offered by Primatech.