By Kimberly Carnahan on Thursday, 01 August 2019


In everyday life, people learn from their own and others’ experiences, mistakes, and daily activities. But what about learning when attending a training course? Remembering everything covered during a course and putting it into practice is a challenge. There is simply too much information to process in a short time and to retrieve from memory when necessary.

Adult learners want to acquire skills efficiently and effectively in training courses. They need training to be relevant to their roles and responsibilities on the job. Therefore, it is important to consider how to select training courses that are designed to help individuals learn better, remember content, and be able to put it into practice.

Here are some ways that set one course apart from another:

People learn better and retain material longer when courses are designed and delivered in accordance with the practices described above. Primatech incorporates these practices and other learning strategies into our training courses to help ensure learning is effective and efficient for learners.