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PT Notes

Part 4 - Methods for the Identification of Dependent Failures in Processes

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Dependent failures in processes must be identified and managed as they can result in catastrophic process safety incidents. Dependent failures occur when the failure of one component or element of a system is not independent of the failure of another.


Various methods are available for Identifying dependent failures in processes. Often, they are used in combination, particularly for complex systems. Some key methods are described in this section.

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA)

FMEA is a systematic, step-by-step approach for identifying the possible failures in a process. It is especially useful for identifying single points of failure and understanding their potential impact on the entire process.

FMEA requires that the process be broken down into constituent components or systems. This provides a detailed understanding of the structure of the process which is crucial for identifying how components are interconnected and dependent on each other.

The identification of causes for failure modes of components involves understanding why and how a particular failure could occur, which is essential for identifying dependencies as the cause of failure in one component might be the failure of another dependent component.

Determining the effects of each failure mode is where dependent failures become evident. If the failure of one component leads to subsequent failures in other components, these are the dependent failures. FMEA helps in mapping out these cascading effects.

The component-driven approach of FMEA facilitates understanding the interrelations among different components in processes, making it easier to identify where dependencies lie. However, in very complex systems, the sheer number of components and potential interactions can make FMEA a time-consuming and intricate process. Also, for systems that change over time, an FMEA conducted at one point in time might not capture new dependencies that develop later.

Fault Tree Analysis (FTA)

FTA is a top-down, deductive failure analysis in which an undesired state of a system is analyzed using Boolean logic to combine a series of lower-level events. This method is particularly useful for identifying the combination of events that lead to a failure, including dependent failures.

The tree-like model of FTA displays the various parallel and sequential faults that lead to an undesired event. Each branch of the tree represents a different fault or failure mode, and the interconnections between these branches illustrate how various failures are interdependent. FTA can become complex and unwieldy for very large systems with many components. Also, it requires expertise to construct trees correctly.

Monte Carlo Simulation

Monte Carlo simulations are used to model the randomness and variability inherent in systems and processes. The simulations rely on a model to represent the real-world process or system being analyzed. The model includes the components of the process or system and their interactions. It represents both independent and dependent relationships among components.

By running simulations multiple times with different random inputs, the model can simulate a wide range of scenarios, including the failure of one or more components. This helps in understanding how the failure of one component can affect others, highlighting dependent failures. Large and complex simulations require significant computational resources.

While, at least to some extent, the dependent failures within a process or system may already be known to the people who constructed the model, there are several reasons why Monte Carlo simulations are valuable in exploring and understanding dependent failures.

In complex systems, it is challenging to fully grasp all the interdependencies and their potential impacts solely through a theoretical understanding. Simulations can reveal nuanced interactions that might not otherwise be evident.

While the process designers and engineers might have a good understanding of the system, simulations can help in exploring a wide range of scenarios, including rare or unforeseen events that might not yet have been considered.

Also, processes and systems often operate in dynamic environments where external factors can change over time. Simulations can incorporate these changing conditions to see how they might influence the system and its dependencies.

Redundancy Analysis

Redundancy Analysis is the process of identifying critical components within a system and ensuring that there are duplicate or backup components and systems (redundancies) in place to maintain functionality in the event of a failure. The concept of redundancy involves adding extra components or systems to a process to ensure reliability and availability in the event of failure of one of the critical components. Redundancy helps in decoupling dependent failures by enabling a redundant component to take over if a primary component fails, preventing the failure from propagating. In some processes, redundancy is used to share and balance the load among multiple components, reducing the likelihood of overloading and failure.

Redundancy can be active or passive. In active redundancy, all redundant components are operational simultaneously. If one fails, the others continue functioning without interruption. In passive redundancy, redundant components are kept in reserve and only activated when the primary component fails. Redundancy analysis may address not only the duplication of components but also diversifying them to prevent common cause failures.

Redundancy analysis is a valuable method for managing and mitigating dependent failures. By adding duplicate or backup components and systems, and carefully analyzing how these redundancies are implemented, it is possible to significantly increase the reliability and resilience of a process, ensuring it remains operational even in the face of component failures.

Data Mining

This technique involves extracting and analyzing large sets of historical data to uncover patterns, correlations, and trends that might indicate dependencies between different components or systems in a process and that might not be apparent through traditional analysis.

Patterns that precede a failure event may be identified that indicate underlying dependencies between components or systems. Correlations may uncover hidden dependencies between different parts of a system that might lead to failures. Trends and sequences of events that lead to system failures may reveal dependent failures that have occurred in the past and could occur again under similar circumstances.

The effectiveness of data mining depends heavily on the quality, completeness, and relevance of the data available. Naturally, poor data can lead to inaccurate conclusions.

Change Management Analysis

The impact of proposed changes to a process should be analyzed to assess the potential for creating new dependent failures or exacerbating existing ones. Change Management Analysis requires understanding both the existing interdependencies within the system and how the proposed changes might alter these relationships, modify existing dependencies, or create new ones.

The analysis should consider both direct and indirect impacts of changes on various components of the process. Direct impacts are those that are the immediate and obvious consequences of a change on a process where there is a clear cause-and-effect relationship and the change directly causes the impact without any intermediate steps or interactions. Indirect impacts include the secondary or tertiary effects that occur as a result of the change, often through a series of interactions within the process. These impacts are not immediately apparent and may take time to manifest. Indirect impacts may be ripple effects where the change affects one component, which in turn affects another, and so on.

Direct, secondary, tertiary, and ripple effects can be illustrated by considering an upgrade to a fractionation column in a petroleum refinery to increase efficiency and capacity. The upgrade includes installing an advanced control system and a more efficient reboiler. The direct effect of the upgrade is improved efficiency and increased capacity in the fractionation process. These are the immediate and intended outcomes.

The upgraded fractionation unit can now process more crude oil. This puts additional demand on ancillary systems such as the crude oil supply lines and storage tanks, which may not have been designed for this increased throughput. Also, the improvement in the reboiler efficiency will alter the thermal balance of the fractionation column. These are secondary effects of the change.

The upgraded column might require different maintenance procedures and schedules. Additionally, the operators may need training to operate the new system effectively. Also, the change in operational parameters might affect the refinery's environmental emissions, potentially requiring modifications to emission control systems or changes in environmental compliance strategies. These are tertiary effects of the change.

Other units in the refinery may need adjustments or upgrades to cope with the changes in product flow rates and quality. Also, the increased capacity might impact the refinery's supply chain, requiring adjustments in crude oil procurement and distribution logistics for refined products. These are ripple effects.

In this example, upgrading a fractionation column in a petroleum refinery led to a series of indirect impacts. The secondary effects involved additional demands on supporting systems and energy balances, while tertiary effects extended to maintenance, staffing, environmental compliance, and supply chain dynamics. The example highlights the interconnected nature of modern processes, where a change in one part of the process can have far-reaching implications across the entire facility and beyond.

Indirect impacts may also be the result of complex interactions within the system and may be influenced by the inherent dynamics of a process and the interdependencies among its components.

For example, consider an exothermic chemical reaction process equipped with a control system to maintain the optimal reaction temperature. Beyond a certain point, higher temperatures lead to the production of undesirable by-products or even hazardous conditions. A cooling system is used to remove excess heat. The efficiency of the cooling system is influenced by external temperatures and the condition of its components. The quality and composition of the incoming feedstock can vary, which can affect the heat generated during the reaction. The control system must continuously adjust the reactor's temperature based on the heat generation from the chemical reaction, the efficiency of the cooling system, and the properties of the feedstock. Over time, components of the reactor and cooling system can become worn or less efficient, subtly changing the dynamics of the system. Ambient temperature changes, such as those due to seasonal variations, can affect both the reaction and the cooling system, adding another layer of complexity. 

The interaction between the reactor's heat generation, the cooling system's capacity, and the feedstock’s variability creates a complex balancing act. A failure in one aspect can quickly lead to a cascade of problems. If the cooling system fails to compensate for an increase in reaction heat, it could lead to overheating posing safety risks, such as the potential for a chemical release or an explosion. The complex interactions among the reactor temperature, cooling system, feedstock variability, and environmental factors illustrate the intricate dependencies and sensitivities in such systems. Changes in any of these process aspects or process changes that affect them, can have major impacts on the process.

Change Management Analysis usually involves employing other methods such as FMEA, FTA, and Monte Carlo Simulations. 


Each of the methods described offers a different perspective from which dependent failures can be identified and analyzed, and they are often used in combination for a comprehensive understanding of the vulnerability of a process to dependent failures.

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